Activity Stream funded by Frumtak Ventures

Activity Stream funded by Frumtak Ventures

Activity Stream announced a ISK 270 million (~$2 million) funding from Frumtak II among three other investment funds and danish fund Seed Capital. Activity Stream makes organization better and more efficient by turning underutilized business data into actionable intelligence and insights. It does so by observing the actions.

Investment in Arctic Trucks

Investment in Arctic Trucks

Arctic Trucks, the Iceland based developer of ultra high capability off-road vehicles, has announced a significant growth capital investment from Frumtak II, a major Icelandic fund that supports international expansion of quality Icelandic businesses. Arctic Trucks uses the Icelandic spirit of adventure with innovative engineering, to develop the ultimate solutions for off road driving

Appollo X has announced a ISK 50 million from Frumtak Ventures

Appollo X has announced a ISK 50 million from Frumtak Ventures

Appollo X has announced a ISK 50 million from Frumtak Ventures. The investment will be used to boost development of Watchbox, the company’s main product. Watchbox is a platform that enables interactions between groups and communities through photos and short videos. Users can share their own channels or channels they particularly like

Activity Stream funded by Frumtak Ventures

Frumtak Ventures fjárfestir í Activity Stream

Frumtak 2, ásamt fjórum leiðandi tæknifjárfestum og sjóðum á Íslandi og Danmörku, sem fjárfesta í nýsköpunar­fyrirtækjum, fjárfestu fyrir liðlega 270 milljónir íslenskra króna í hug­búnaðar­fyrirtækinu Activity Stream, sem framleiðir og selur næstu kynslóð viðskipta­hugbúnaðar. Öll þróun á hugbúnaðinum